The Great Escape - Music & More

Greg Mendez - First Time / Alone


Format: Vinyl
Rel. Date: 12/06/2024
UPC: 656605167213

First Time / Alone
Artist: Greg Mendez
Format: Vinyl
New: Available $11.98

Formats and Editions


1. Mountain Dew Hell
2. First Time
3. Alone
4. Pain Meds

More Info:

First Time / Alone, Greg Mendez's new EP and first release withDead Oceans, came together in late summer and early fall of2023; the songs here appear in the order in which they werewritten, recorded straight to four-track in the small spare roomof his West Philadelphia apartment. It's a four song arc, aspectral passageway, one brief and fluid body of work thathangs together from the mournful opening of "Mountain DewHell" to the pitched-up vocals on "Pain Meds," a tiny songfloundering in the enormity of grief. The experience of listeningthrough is like waking up from a half-remembered dream, ashadow in the corner of the room, a strange solitude, a temporalNew York autumn with gray skies and naked trees. But whilethe release is sparse and spontaneous, it's tactile andconsuming, a glimpse into the beautiful, lonely worlds that livein the core of a Greg Mendez song.First Time / Alone is the inverse of his 2023 self-titled album, ameticulous and labored-over collection of songs that went on tobecome a surprise slowburn success. Mendez has releasedmusic in various capacities across 15 years living in Philadelphiaand New York, but the self-titled was what propelled him to awider attention, a critical breakthrough on best-of lists fromRolling Stone, Pitchfork, Paste, and more. That forwardmomentum came to a quick halt following an intensive surgeryon his right wrist in the summer of 2023 - a four-monthpurgatory of bad TV, canceled touring, and physical therapyensued, a painful stretch of boredom leaving Mendez unable toplay guitar. "Mountain Dew Hell" and "First Time," the funerealA-side of the EP, are time capsules of that fever-dream; "Alone"was the first song Mendez wrote once he was able to play guitaragain. Likely none of the songs would have existed as-is ifMendez's right hand hadn't been out of commission, but they'reartful in their directness and simplicity. He initially thought hewould need to refine them, building them out to the same scaleas self-titled, but the more he returned to the work, the more itfelt complete and true as-is.Mendez is an intuitive songwriter, melodies channeled throughether, a storyteller who across his catalog has chronicled vividviolence and instability - a wallet chain to the head, a crackhouse arrest, the misdeeds from addiction that hang aroundlike a ghost of past lives - but it's threaded together with lovesongs, too, with odes to friendship, true dedication, the thingsthat can buoy one through the worst. Mendez has a habit ofnoticing those things, of finding the light, exacting poetry fromeven the bleakest, shit-caked situations. In his songs there is aninnate ability to balance grit with gentleness, cruelties rewrittenthrough preternatural sweetness, a heart thrummingunendingly, confidently, through the dark.
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