Cross-Genre Fusion: Stagioni transcends musical boundaries, seamlessly blending classical, jazz, blues, and rock elements. Mayke's composition acts as a bridge between classical traditions and diverse musical worlds, offering a symphonic ode to life and nature through four distinct seasons. Versatile Sound Exploration: Mayke's use of the E-cello goes beyond traditional norms, showcasing a diverse range of sounds and orchestrations.
Cross-Genre Fusion: Stagioni transcends musical boundaries, seamlessly blending classical, jazz, blues, and rock elements. Mayke's composition acts as a bridge between classical traditions and diverse musical worlds, offering a symphonic ode to life and nature through four distinct seasons. Versatile Sound Exploration: Mayke's use of the E-cello goes beyond traditional norms, showcasing a diverse range of sounds and orchestrations.
Cross-Genre Fusion: Stagioni transcends musical boundaries, seamlessly blending classical, jazz, blues, and rock elements. Mayke's composition acts as a bridge between classical traditions and diverse musical worlds, offering a symphonic ode to life and nature through four distinct seasons. Versatile Sound Exploration: Mayke's use of the E-cello goes beyond traditional norms, showcasing a diverse range of sounds and orchestrations.