Robb Weir, Tygers of Pan Tang founder and keeper of the flame, was at a cross roads. He had tried to keep the Tygers alive with differing lineups but now he was in the position of seeing his hopes dissolve completely as the band were unable to find just the right vocalist. He was determined to give it one more chance and the band cast around for a new front man. He knew that this was possibly his last chance. Enter Jack Meille, resident of Florence and possessor of a set of pipes that could not only do justice to the Tygers back catalogue, but crucially, create the hard rock melodies essential to the band's sound for the future. There was always something about that original release though that bothered the band: the sleeve. It was felt that it didn't do the band justice. Step in Andy Pilkington, responsible for the last two Tygers albums' covers. He was asked to create a cover that would sit happily alongside the quality seen in other Tygers album sleeves. They also felt that the sound required a new mix and called upon the services of trusted friend and producer Marco Angioni to add the necessary sheen to an already fine sounding album. A bonus track, "Don't Say Rock'n'Roll Is Gonna Die" has also been added to the re-issue.