The Special View is a Japanese psychedelic rock band led by Senya Uemura, who lives secluded in the mountains of Okinawa's Motobu Peninsula.'Neba Neba' is a full 38-minute album recorded live at the Hikari no Uma in Okubo, Japan.This is one of the best live recordings of the band's long career, which spans several decades, and in which the interplay is at it's peak.Hirofumi 'Hachi' Kasuga of Carmen Maki & OZ, who witnessed the live performance, said, 'I want to play in a band like this!'.This was a miraculous performance that could only have been possible on that day and at that time.
The Special View is a Japanese psychedelic rock band led by Senya Uemura, who lives secluded in the mountains of Okinawa's Motobu Peninsula.'Neba Neba' is a full 38-minute album recorded live at the Hikari no Uma in Okubo, Japan.This is one of the best live recordings of the band's long career, which spans several decades, and in which the interplay is at it's peak.Hirofumi 'Hachi' Kasuga of Carmen Maki & OZ, who witnessed the live performance, said, 'I want to play in a band like this!'.This was a miraculous performance that could only have been possible on that day and at that time.
The Special View is a Japanese psychedelic rock band led by Senya Uemura, who lives secluded in the mountains of Okinawa's Motobu Peninsula.'Neba Neba' is a full 38-minute album recorded live at the Hikari no Uma in Okubo, Japan.This is one of the best live recordings of the band's long career, which spans several decades, and in which the interplay is at it's peak.Hirofumi 'Hachi' Kasuga of Carmen Maki & OZ, who witnessed the live performance, said, 'I want to play in a band like this!'.This was a miraculous performance that could only have been possible on that day and at that time.